Why Choose Us?
What You Get With Us:
- Professional Copywriting
- Cutting Edge Visual Designs
- Search Engine Optimization
- Mobile Friendly Responsive Design
- Get Found On Google+ - Google Maps
- Call To Action Features - Contact Form
- Cell Phone Automatic Click To Call Feature
1. How much does a typical website cost?
Customized single page responsive websites from $299 CDN
A single page website that covers all the basics may be all you need.
Customized multi-page responsive websites from $499 CDN
Utilize one of our professionally designed templates, which we will customize to your business specifics, and have your new website up and running (usually within a week).
Add managed hosting... $22.50 per month
- 24/7 monitoring for security breaches and up-time / downtime
- 24/7 monitoring themes for security and core file changes
- 24/7 monitoring plugins for security and core file changes
- Premium hosting on Canadian based servers Vancouver / Montreal
Have a different look in mind?
Custom designed websites are also available, depending on your requirements.
We never charge for consultation... please use the contact form and we'll be sure to get back to you in a timely manner.
2. What other services do you offer?
We offer personalized support for any website we design and are always available should you encounter any problems or require any enhancements.
Other Services We Provide:
- Custom Website Design
- Local Video Marketing
- SEO - Search Engine Optimization
- Google My Business - Google Maps
- Domain Name Registration and Hosting Services learn more...
Our desire is to help your business succeed, so why not take action today?
Simply use the form to the right to let us know what your Digital Marketing needs. We never charge for consultation, so what are you waiting for?
Theme Questions
1. Why do themes and plugins need to be updated?
To be quite candid... the internet is a frontier that still needs to be tamed, and at times, is not a very user friendly place. There are many challenges involved with having a website online, be it viruses, denial of service attacks, or unscrupulous hackers.
As means of prevention, themes and plugins are constantly being updated in order to deal with new threats as they rear their ugly head.
As part of our management services we are constantly monitoring our clients websites, implementing any upgrades as they come out in order to protect their investment.
2. Can the content of my website be modified as my business grows?
Certainly changes can be made, however, due to the fact that offer hosting and management on our server, we have to restrict certain client privileges in order to protect all of our clients.
That having been stated, we will be pleased to offer you limited access to your website so you can make any changes make any future modifications. Alternately, our support staff would be pleased to make any changes or updates for you at our nominal rate of $25.00 per/hour.
3. Which browsers and operating systems do you test the themes on?
We test all our themes on Windows 7, 8, and Microsoft Edge, the latest versions of Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. Regarding operating systems; our themes are independent of the operating system you use.
Our themes are also compatible with all devices and will automatically adjust in size for the best view, whether being viewed on a cell phone, ipad, lap or desk top.
Mobile Design Solutions
1. What is a *Tap To Call* feature?
*Tap To Call* boldly displays a Tap To Call or Phone image when your website is displayed on a mobile device, no scrolling back and forth looking for having to input the your number.
Once tapped on, your business phone number is automatically be programmed into your customers phone.
2. How do my customers access my mobile website?
Mobile Responsive Designs
The websites we design are mobile responsive, and are designed to provide a smaller (complete) version of your website, which will automatically adjust in size to fit the device by which it is being accessed; be it via desktop, tablet, or cell phone.
When a customer accesses your business website via a mobile device, a redirect script automatically detects the mobile device and adjusts the screen view of your website accordingly.
3. What if I already have a website I like but it's not mobile friendly?
Simple Mobile Design
Many businesses have already invested a lot of time and money in a website that they like, but it is not mobile friendly. In today's marketplace and with the growing use of mobile technology, unfortunately that business is missing opportunities to attract those mobile customers.
Solution: Let us create a mobile friendly version that mirrors your current business site.
In this case, simpler often times does the job. A one or two page mobile version with your business contact information and *Tap to Call Feature* is all that is required.
30 Day Money Back Warranty
We are so confident in our designs that:
Your first months hosting and management is free. If within 30 days, you decide that the website we develop for you is not what you expected, simply let us know and we will return your development cost in full.
Interested... but want to learn more?
We realize that the process involved in having a website can seem a bit daunting to say the least.
Just a sampling of what the process involves:
- Acquiring and maintaining a domain name, one that speaks to your type of business
- Find a reputable platform to host your new website, one that will implement the latest security update
- Ensure that your website is search engine optimized to enable your potential customers to find your business when searching the web
- And of course 🙂 creating a professionally designed website that is not only cross browser friendly, but mobile responsive as well
Our no charge consultation will guide you in your internet endeavors and alleviate any concerns you may have.
Why not let us know what you have in mind, and let us help you develop a online presence that works for your business.
Please use the form on our CONTACT US page and we'll be sure to get back to you in a timely manner.
Contact Us Today
What You Get With Us!
- Professional Copywriting
- Mobile Responsive Design
- Cutting Edge Visual Designs
- Search Engine Optimization
- Call To Action - Contact Form
- Get Found On Google + Maps
- Social Media Integration Option
- Programmed Tap To Call Feature
Adaptive Lease Cost!
- $399 Development (One time)
- 1 yr Managed Hosting $30 / mo
- Managed (renewal option $20/mo)
Adaptive Lease Includes...
- Personalized Support
- Mobile Responsive Design
- Website Uptime Monitoring
- Search Engine Optimization
- Customization To Your Business
- Website Management (optional)
Why Choose Us?
- We Do It All For You
- Clear Call to Actions
- High Quality Content
- Gorgeous Visual Design
- Mobile Friendly Design
- Get Found on Google
Attract New Customers
- Search Engine Optimization
- Social Media Integration
- Professional Copy writing
- Grow your business
- Attract new customers
- Make a strong first impression
Free Consultation
- No charge consultations
- Cutting Edge Designs
- Your Budget's best friend
- The Experience You Want
- The Service You Expect
- The Quality You DESERVE!